C program to print 8 star pattern

C program to print 8 star pattern

Write a C program to print 8 star pattern series using loop. How to print 8 star pattern series using for loop in C program. Logic to print 8 star pattern series of N columns in C programming.



Input N: 5


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Required knowledge

Basic C programming, If else, For loop, Nested loop

Logic to print 8 star pattern

To simply things for beginners I have divided entire logic in three main sub tasks.

->Print a hollow square star pattern with N columns and (N*2) - 1 rows.

->Modify above hollow square pattern logic. Instead of star, print space at top and bottom corners and in the center intersection edge.

->Finally modify hollow square logic to print star instead of space for Nth row.

Step by step descriptive logic to print 8 star pattern.

1.Input number of columns to print from user. Store it in a variable say N.

2.Iterate through (N*2)-1 rows. Run an outer loop with structure for(i=1; i

3.Iterate through N columns. Run an inner loop with structure for(j=1; j<=N; j++).

4.Inside inner loop first check conditions for corner and center intersection spaces. Print space for

1st row and 1st or Nth column i.e. if(i==1 && (j==1 || j==N))

Nth row and 1st or Nth column i.e. if(i==N && (j==1 || j==N))

N*2-1 row and 1st or Nth column i.e. if(i==N*2-1 && (j==1 || j==N))

5.Print stars for 1st row or 1st column i.e. if(i==1 || j==1) Nth row or Nth column i.e. if(i==N || j==N) N*2-1th row i.e. if(i==N*2-1).

6.Otherwise print spaces if above conditions does not matches.

Program to print 8 star pattern

 * C program to print 8 star pattern series
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int i, j, size;

    printf("Enter size: ");
    scanf("%d", &size);

    for(i=1; i<size*2; i++)
        for(j=1; j<=size; j++)
            // Condition for corner and center intersection space
            if((i==1 && (j==1 || j==size)) || 
               (i==size && (j==1 || j==size)) || 
               (i==size*2-1 && (j==1 || j==size)))
                printf(" ");
            else if(i==1 || i==size || i==(size*2)-1 || j==1 || j==size)
                printf(" ");


    return 0;


Enter size: 6

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